Makuwerere | Celebration Exhibition at FFGHOpening 26 November 2010 Makuwere brought together 10 young artists in celebration of the end of a successful year for First Floor Gallery Harare. The exhibition had a huge variety of colourful works in different media from sculpture, painting, and print making, talking mostly about ordinary life in Zimbabwe's capital city, Harare. |
Follow Me Exhibition at FFGHOpening: 27 August 2010
This was the first dedicated sculpture exhibition at First Floor Gallery Harare which saw three emerging sculptors Zanele Anne Mutema, Zechariah Magasa and Brian Banda exploring different materials especially found objects now used by contemporary Zimbabwean mixed media artists, outside the popular traditional Shona Stone sculpture. |
First steps Exhibition at FFGHOpening: 29 July 2010
First Steps Exhibition served as a re-lauch launch of the gallery after months of planning and engaging with potential partners and artists. The exhibition featured works by some of the brightest young talents in Harare namely Zachariah Magasa, Brian Banda, Nyasha Mujati, Moffat Takadiwa and Wycliff Mundopa. Their work oozed with enthusiasm and optimism while the huge audience complemented the first steps to creating an alternative and thriving art space and scene. |